Agência VN

Discover some of our projects.

We use each client's universe as a road to materialize projects and ideas in the world of Digital Marketing.






Dra. Clarissa Gomes


Dr. Clarissa Gomes is a dentist from Niterói - RJ who was looking for a way to better express her work through her visual identity. The biggest differential of his work has always been his main objective, to restore not only smiles, but the self-esteem and self-confidence of his patients, in addition to dedicating and depositing large portions of love in his work.

After almost a decade working in the same space, it was time for his office to transform and grow. This transformation could not only happen in the physical space, but also in the visual identity, in the colors and in the message transmitted to its customers and patients.

The transformation of his brand took place through a mutual interest in minimalism and pastel tones. In this way, its identity took shape in the use of simple but effective elements in its communication, in addition to inserting artifices and characteristics of nature into the proposal, harmoniously tying each slice of this project.

The idea of ​​the symbol that constitutes the brand identity was to represent the professional's initials, "C" and "G", in addition to adding the leaf as an element of nature, adapting simplicity and naturalness as vital components for the transmission of your image and professionalism.